Thursday, September 19, 2013

This is....Fallen Riviera!

For this Boston born rock band, it's safe to say they don't care what you think of them. But chances are, you'll only be thinking positive things once you hear the first thirty seconds of any one of their songs. Whether it's "Those Times Are Gone" an acoustic guitar and bass driven  track off of their debut album, "Another World", or their slightly older, yet no less ear-catching hit, "This is Who I Am", you're guaranteed to be humming right along.

It was roughly a year ago when I was lucky enough to interview them. So, without further ado, I bring you another installment of the ["Lost In The Server" Series] [7/19/12]

 How are you guys doing today? And for those of us who aren't familiar with you guys, can you introduce yourselves?  

Hey Alyssa we’re doing great! We are Will (Vocals/piano), Steve (Guitar), and Matt (Bass).

 Your song 'This is Who I Am' is one of my personal favorites, and is getting a really positive response, can you explain the inspiration behind it?

First of all let me say that we are really happy with the response 'This is Who I Am' has received so far. The message is obviously clear but it seems to inspire anyone who hears it. After being contacted by a local school about using the song in an anti-bullying campaign the real meaning/inspiration of the song came through. The secret behind the song is that it started out focusing on a mischievous feline. We then related it to people and current issues with bullying, sexuality and race. The song changed from a piece of pretty music into an inspirational anthem. 

 Fallen Riviera is such a unique name, how did you come up with it? And how exactly did the band itself, form?

Well, we started out in Boston. The two founding members Steve Ornest and Will Parry went to school at Berklee College of Music. Will was born in the town of Torquay in the South West of England. Torquay is the English Riviera, traditionally a tourist destination, a holiday hotspot. Unfortunately, prices went down for a flight to Spain in the 90's. Torquay's popularity took a hit and is even worse now considering the state of England's economy. Obviously to all Torquay natives the town is still a hidden gem, but to some, it's the Fallen Riviera.

 For the people who are reading this, and may not have heard your music, can you sort of give a general description about what you think your sound is?

Our sound is a good honest blend of soaring vocals and guitar melodies, great grooves, and lyrics that hope to draw an emotional response from our listeners. We strive to create organic, timeless music with modern ideas. If the crowd are on their feet and singing along we are happy.

 Who would you guys say is the leader in the band?

Will and I (Steve) are the two founding members. While we are the ones that steer the course of Fallen Riviera, we are very much a cohesive band.  Matt helps make Fallen Riviera the groove machine that we have so badly needed since the two of us began writing!

What are your feelings towards Social Media's growing place in the music industry?

Mixed feelings for sure. The shift of power away from records labels and into the hands of artists is positive. Having your musical destiny in your own hands is rewarding in so many ways. The internet has made self promotion so much easier and accessible than ever before. With that said, it is extremely time consuming, and constantly changing. Being in a successful rock band is a lot more than just writing songs and playing shows. You literally need to become well versed and fully immersed in the social media frenzy.

 Where can we keep up with you?

Facebook, youtube, twitter, and itunes are all great places!

Anything to say to the readers? :)

Thank you all so much for the amazing support so far, and get ready!  

Thank you so much for your time and patience. 

Be sure to buy "Another World" on itunes! You won't regret it!

And find out when they're coming to a city near you by heading to their website:

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