Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spotlight on Youtube Artist Eric Thayne

I know you've all probably seen  his  awesome mashup of 'Payphone"/ "Call Me Maybe", with the equally talented musician Caleb Blood. But in case you haven't...

 This is Eric Thayne.


A talented singer and producer, with over three hundred thousand views on youtube. Here's the interview I was lucky enough to do with Mr Thayne.  ["Lost In The Server" Series] [6/12/12]

 First question, How are you today Eric?
I'm doing well! Busy, but feeling great! 

 How long have you been singing and playing piano?

Well, I wouldn't call myself a singer by any means. Recently I've been practicing a little bit. I've been playing the piano for about 15 years. I've also played guitar and drums/percussion for 11 years.

  Has it always been music for you, or if it hasn't when did it stop being a hobby?
Music has always been a hobby for me, until recently. It wasn't until just a few years that I decided to take it seriously and begin to promote myself as a musician. It was a big decision that I made, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I've been actively marketing myself and publishing videos on YouTube for about two years now.  

 What was the last song you listened to?
You're Not Alone by Saosin. 

 In your own words, how would you differentiate yourself with the other on the rise musicians out there?
Everyone is unique. All musicians have their own style. When I write music, I always try to let my unique style shine through. Sure, it's influenced by everything that I've heard. But nobody plays or writes music just like me. I try to be as creative as possible and even let some of my quirky personality shine through ;)

 Since you're posting your music on Youtube, such a big social platform, would you say you ever get over -critical at times?
As the saying goes, You are your own worst critic.  I definitely listen to my own music and watch my own videos with very critical eyes and ears, but I wouldn't say that I'm over-critical. I don't get down on myself, but rather I try to take each song as a learning experience and make the next one better. 

 I know this a tough question for a musician, or a music lover, but if you could pick one song to be your themesong, what would it be and why?
Nothing comes to mind for a theme song, but one of my favorite songs of all time is Dare You to Move by Switchfoot. 

 How do feel about the Internet being such a big tool for musicians?
I think it's fantastic. It's giving so many people the opportunity to share their talents with the world and help make the world a better place. If somebody wants to pursue a career in music, they have to know the right people. The Internet and social media are making it easier for people to reach the right people. 

 Final thoughts, anything to say to the people reading this, and all your supporters?
You all are the best. Thanks for all the support. 

Thank you so much for your time, Eric.

Stay connected with Eric by subscribing to his youtube. :

Following him on twitter:

-And The Beat Goes On....
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