Sunday, October 13, 2013

Meet The Man Behind 'The Voice'

From youtube to national television J'sun 's tackling the media one performance at a time.

Now just in case you missed J'sun on the Voice here's a snippet of an amazing (and unfortunately his last ) performance of  The Heavy's 'How you Like Me Now' with Garrett Gardner.

J'sun was eliminated in the BattleRound and Garret moved on to be in the Top 12.

But J'sun here to say he's moving on as well.   He's also telling us, how he went from uploading videos to youtube,  to being a contestant on one of the biggest televised singing competitions  in the world. His new EP, and what it was really like on The Voice.

 Every artist has a story, so let’s start at the beginning of yours… What type of music did you grow up listening to?

A:   I was born in Brooklyn, NY but grew up in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Our music is Soca and Reggae but I also listened to a lot of Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and TLC. Once I moved back to NYC that's when I started picking up on all of the other artists such as Janet Jackson, Brandy, Luther Vandross, Maxwell, and many of the other popular artists out at the time.

      What musicians and performers inspire you?

A: I am inspired by many different artists in many different genres. Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, Maxwell, Prince, OneRepublic, and recent artists such as Adele, Emeli Sandè, Frank Ocean, Rihanna, and many more artists that are out right now.

We all want to know more about the man behind the voice so to speak,  tell us one thing  that no one knows about you?

A: There are so many facets to J’Sun.   I sing, write, play, dance, design but one other thing I'm really good at is cooking.  I throws it down in the kitchen.

The smoothness of your voice has been noted by many, did you ever take vocal lessons?

A: When I moved back to the US I joined the Brooklyn Youth Chorus right away.  That's where I learned a lot of what I know about singing, music, how to be better at my craft.

What’s one embarrassing song that you have in your playlist?

A: It would have to be a soca song  I recorded myself.  Only my family is allowed to listen to that song. It's the silliest song you'll ever hear.  I'm 100% sure no one else will hear it. It's locked away in the vault forever.

If you could perform with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be?

A: It hasn't changed that I would love to perform with Prince. When he performs it's just crazy and out of this world. It's like something takes him over and it takes me over when I see him perform. That would be amazing for me. That would top everything I have ever done in my life.

You started uploading  videos to youtube in 2007, and things just sort of grew from there.  How do you personally think social media, or the internet in general, has changed the music industry?

A: I think social media has changed the music industry a great deal. Artists get to be closer to their fans. I do feel at times though that too many artists are being social media reality stars instead of focusing on their careers and their art and music. For artists, social media can be a good thing and it can be a very bad thing depending on how it's used.

I know it’s probably been done to death, but can you tell us a little bit about your experience on the Voice? What’s one thing you took away from it all?

A: The Voice was great. I had an amazing time and met a lot of great people there. Working with Shakira has been great and just being up all night in front of the camera was exciting for me because I felt I was living out my dreams. It's something that I will always remember and I will always cherish that time in my life.

You always seemed so at ease when you sang, did you ever get nervous? Do you ever?

A: I always do. Every time. I always feel like if I am not nervous then I should be nervous about that. I feel no matter how great someone is at what they do, there's always a nervous feeling. Not a bad one though. A good nervous feeling.

Would you ever consider being a part of another televised competition again?

A: Before I did The Voice I always said "I would never do one of those shows". But as an artist I always change my mind about things and see a different side to things after a while. I looked at the show for what it was and knew that anything was possible with these shows. I gave it my all and I left everything on that stage. I don't think I would do another one again though.

After competing on television,  and taking the youtube world by storm, you've been busy  building “MAZE” your debut EP. Can you tell us a little bit about the process and your kickstarter campaign?

A: "MAZE" is being carefully created. I'm doing a lot of writing sessions with the people involved in the project.  Brainstorming with many musicians, artists, designers, and producers to make it a really great EP. My Kickstarter campaign is to help fund the building of my EP. It has been going very great and I'm so excited to start the recording of the EP, the photoshoots, videos, and everything else around it. My Kickstarter project ends on September 29th at 11:59pm and my goal is in arms reach. I'm very close. (Note: Congratulations J'sun who has since reached his goal and has raised enough money! )

I know you can’t give too much away, but you can give us any clues of what the vibe of your EP might be?

A: "MAZE" is going to be great. I fell it will show who I am as an arist. You'll be able to sing along to every song and feel good doing it.

Anything to say to the readers, and fans? Both old and new?

A: Thank you so so much to my #Limerz . Everything that I have achieved from 2007 on wouldn't have been possible without them. They mean a lot to me and I love them all.

To stay connected to J'sun and stay up to date on his album. Follow him on twitter: @iLoveJSun

Become a fan on facebook :

And subscribe to his youtube.

-And The Beat Goes On....

Stay tuned for news and interviews, and productions!

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Twitter: @TheBeatGoeson1

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Spotlight on Youtube Artist Eric Thayne

I know you've all probably seen  his  awesome mashup of 'Payphone"/ "Call Me Maybe", with the equally talented musician Caleb Blood. But in case you haven't...

 This is Eric Thayne.


A talented singer and producer, with over three hundred thousand views on youtube. Here's the interview I was lucky enough to do with Mr Thayne.  ["Lost In The Server" Series] [6/12/12]

 First question, How are you today Eric?
I'm doing well! Busy, but feeling great! 

 How long have you been singing and playing piano?

Well, I wouldn't call myself a singer by any means. Recently I've been practicing a little bit. I've been playing the piano for about 15 years. I've also played guitar and drums/percussion for 11 years.

  Has it always been music for you, or if it hasn't when did it stop being a hobby?
Music has always been a hobby for me, until recently. It wasn't until just a few years that I decided to take it seriously and begin to promote myself as a musician. It was a big decision that I made, but I felt like it was the right thing to do. I've been actively marketing myself and publishing videos on YouTube for about two years now.  

 What was the last song you listened to?
You're Not Alone by Saosin. 

 In your own words, how would you differentiate yourself with the other on the rise musicians out there?
Everyone is unique. All musicians have their own style. When I write music, I always try to let my unique style shine through. Sure, it's influenced by everything that I've heard. But nobody plays or writes music just like me. I try to be as creative as possible and even let some of my quirky personality shine through ;)

 Since you're posting your music on Youtube, such a big social platform, would you say you ever get over -critical at times?
As the saying goes, You are your own worst critic.  I definitely listen to my own music and watch my own videos with very critical eyes and ears, but I wouldn't say that I'm over-critical. I don't get down on myself, but rather I try to take each song as a learning experience and make the next one better. 

 I know this a tough question for a musician, or a music lover, but if you could pick one song to be your themesong, what would it be and why?
Nothing comes to mind for a theme song, but one of my favorite songs of all time is Dare You to Move by Switchfoot. 

 How do feel about the Internet being such a big tool for musicians?
I think it's fantastic. It's giving so many people the opportunity to share their talents with the world and help make the world a better place. If somebody wants to pursue a career in music, they have to know the right people. The Internet and social media are making it easier for people to reach the right people. 

 Final thoughts, anything to say to the people reading this, and all your supporters?
You all are the best. Thanks for all the support. 

Thank you so much for your time, Eric.

Stay connected with Eric by subscribing to his youtube. :

Following him on twitter:

-And The Beat Goes On....
Stay tuned  for great things, interviews,     new music,  and a whole more.
If you, or anyone you know or represent would like interviewed, want your music to be heard, have any questions or inquiries, send an email to

Follow on twitter : @TheBeatGoeson1

Like on Facebook: TheBeatGoeson1Promotions


Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Thousand People Can't be Wrong!

With an engaging voice and refreshing covers, it's clear to see why his community of over one thousand subscribers is rapidly growing. Meet Spencer Sutherland.

Or better yet, have a listen to Spencer Sutherland

And now here's the Q&A he and I did a year ago. ["Lost In The Server" Series] [7/2/12]

When did you start singing?

I've been singing all my life!

Was music something you'd grown up with, or did you just decide to do it one day?

I have such a passion for music, I've pretty much always wanted to do it. My parents  always fed my need for music through live music, theatre and performances.

Is there anyone you get compared to a lot?

I get compared to Jesse McCartney, Justin Timberlake, and Conor Maynard.

What is your objective in reference to music?

I want to be able to literally travel the world and perform with artists that I've looked up to for a long time. its a dream that I really think will come true.   

How do you feel about performing? Some people get nervous, some people get a rush from it, where do you fall in that?

I love preforming more than anything in the world. I don't really get nervous, except for maybe a few pre-show jitters.  It's my favorite thing to do.

What are you thoughts on Social Media mixing with music?

It's amazing, it has given many artists  the chance to try music, even if they don't live in New York, LA, or Nashville.

Anything to say to the fans and the readers?

Thanks to all the fans that have been there from the start, and thank you for all those becoming fans. I love you and will always be humble and grateful.

Thanks so much Spencer!

To stay connected with Spencer, be sure to

Follow him on twitter. : @Spencermusic1

Subscribe to his youtube

And head over to his website

- And The Beat Goes  On....

Contact Email:

Youtube: TheBeatGoeson17


Stay tuned for news, updates and Brand new Interviews!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Getting to Know Pia Dean.

This indie UK Artist has bent all the rules by giving each of her tracks its own identity. Diversifying herself in both melody and lyrics, 'Pia Dean' is one name you surely won't be forgetting.

["Lost In the Server" Series.] [6/12/12 note: content is subject to change due to the date this interview was conducted]

 Hey Pia how are you?

I'm doing great, thanks. Hope you're good too.

 I'm great, thank you. So let's get started. If you could spend one day with five people, alive, or dead, who would they be?

Gosh, that's a biggie to limit the choice to five.... I would choice Lenardo Da Vinci, Marily Monroe, Nelson Mandela,  Imhotep & Amy Winehouse.

 You've released a song called "Another Maybe." Can you tell us a little bit about that?

This track is a remix of debut single "Maybe' to coincide with the release of the music video which I didn't have the first time around..

 You have a very distinct sound, who are musically influenced by?

I'm a big fan of singer-songwriters so Amy Winehouse. James Morrison, Stevie Wonder, Adele and Bob Marley figure high on my list...

 As a songwriter, where would you say your inspiration comes from?

That's an easy one....personal experience and things/events that evoke an emotional response...

 How do you feel about Social Media or New Media as it's being called, becoming almost integral in the music industry?

New Media provides some great tools, which can help the indie artist to promote their music/gigs ect...And reach new fans globally....conversely, new media provides opportunities  for music fans to discover new artists  and share their find!

 Any advice for other musicians out there? And what's the best advice you've ever been given?

Find your own sound, be creative, get feedback and enjoy what you do...invest time in new media to connect with fans and other artists ect... as it will be time well spent!

 What can people expect from your music?

Eclectic productions, vocalists and a hint of social commentary..

 Where can your fans reach you?

The best place to listen to my music is  , plus you can always drop me a line at the usual suspects like facebook and twitter.

 Anything to say to everybody reading this, and to your supporters?

Big thanks to Alyssa at The Beat Goes On and everyone who has connected with my music and the talented vocalists who have helped bring my songs alive.. Here's to all kinds of music.

Thank you so much for your time and patience, Pia.

To keep up with Pia, be sure to keep up with Pia by following her on twitter @Piadean1
 Liking her facebook:
And subscribe to her youtube to check out her music

Stay tuned, the "Lost in The Server Series" is winding and brand new interviews and news are coming up!
-And The Beat Goes on......
Contact Email:
Twitter: @TheBeatGoeson1
Facebook: TheBeatGoeson1Promotions

Friday, September 20, 2013

Behind the Music with Corey Craigmyle

As we all know a good song has a great melody, but a great song has great melody and even better lyrics and no one knows that more than songwriter, Corey Craigmyle.

This lyricist and I discussed everything from him major influences to his song writing process. [Another installment in the "Lost In The Server" Series] [6/19/12]

 Corey, you've done a lot of songs with different people, how does that usually come about? How do you collaborate? 

Collaborating can start from anywhere. It could be an artist that gets in touch with me directly and asks me to write a song for them. Sometimes, I’ll scope YouTube for up and coming artists that I would like to work with. Other times, I’ll meet artists at shows or performances in Montreal (where I live) and I’ll ask them if they’re looking to collaborate. As a songwriter, you really have to put yourself out there. Sometimes it’s musicians I’ve worked with or performed with too. I consider myself very lucky to have worked with so many talented artists that I admire!

How long have you been writing songs?

I’ve been writing songs my whole life! I started out as drummer though. I began playing the drums at a young age. I kind of got into songwriting by accident. I was playing drums in this jazz combo at school and we needed 1 more song for our concert. So I decided to compose my own rock/pop song and surprise the band. I showed it to them the next day and they all really liked what I wrote! The next thing I know, we’re performing my song in front of the entire music department. It was a blast!

 What is your process when it comes to writing?

The way I write is kind of untraditional. I don’t believe in writing things down because my brain works much faster than I’m able to write things out and it frustrates me. So I usually go behind the piano and make up the first thing that comes to mind because it gives you the right instinct. Then from there, I go back and edit it and might change a word or two just so I get to exactly what I want to hear. That’s basically my process.

  Is there one song that you wish you wrote?

One song that always gives me the chills is “Hold My Hand” by Michael Jackson. There’s something special about that song.

  I know this is a tough question, but out of all the songs, that you've written, is there one that you're the most proud of?

I’m really proud of some of the songs I’ve written for Tina Ray. She’s an up and coming R&B singer from Vancouver. Last year I wrote this song for her called “On My Own”. Everything came together perfectly with that song. She did an amazing job recording the vocals too. I’ve written 3 more songs for her.

 Who are your biggest influences?

I would say my biggest influences are Michael Jackson, Claude Kelly and Lady Gaga.

 How do you feel about poetry?

I love poetry.

 Do you ever think about stepping out from 'behind the scenes' and branching out into other aspects of music?

One aspect of music I would love to check out is jingle writing. I love jingles! I would do jingles in a heartbeat, a 15 second little tune off the top of your head like the Juicy Fruit song. "Get your skis shined up, grab a stick of Juicy Fruit the taste is gonna move you! Move you up! Move you out! The taste is gonna move you when you pop it in your mouth!" Then to the hook: "Juicy Fruit is gonna move ya! It's got a taste that gets right through ya!" I think that’s so cool because everybody knows that song, more than some of the songs that we love.

 What do you have to say to people reading this, that want to work with you?

I would say check out my music first! Then if you like what you hear, drop me a line! You can message me on YouTube or you can tweet me @coreycraigmyle

 How do you feel about YouTube's role in the music business now?

I love YouTube! The internet is a great way to get your music out there!

 Anything to say to the readers and your supporters?

Music is love. Love is music. Music is my life and I love my life. Thank you and goodnight.


Thank you so much Corey!
Be sure to follow and subscribe to keep up with Corey!


And The Beat Goes On.....
Stay Tuned for more Interviews and News
Contact Email:
Twitter: TheBeatGoesOn1
Facebook: TheBeatGoeson1Promotions

Thursday, September 19, 2013

This is....Fallen Riviera!

For this Boston born rock band, it's safe to say they don't care what you think of them. But chances are, you'll only be thinking positive things once you hear the first thirty seconds of any one of their songs. Whether it's "Those Times Are Gone" an acoustic guitar and bass driven  track off of their debut album, "Another World", or their slightly older, yet no less ear-catching hit, "This is Who I Am", you're guaranteed to be humming right along.

It was roughly a year ago when I was lucky enough to interview them. So, without further ado, I bring you another installment of the ["Lost In The Server" Series] [7/19/12]

 How are you guys doing today? And for those of us who aren't familiar with you guys, can you introduce yourselves?  

Hey Alyssa we’re doing great! We are Will (Vocals/piano), Steve (Guitar), and Matt (Bass).

 Your song 'This is Who I Am' is one of my personal favorites, and is getting a really positive response, can you explain the inspiration behind it?

First of all let me say that we are really happy with the response 'This is Who I Am' has received so far. The message is obviously clear but it seems to inspire anyone who hears it. After being contacted by a local school about using the song in an anti-bullying campaign the real meaning/inspiration of the song came through. The secret behind the song is that it started out focusing on a mischievous feline. We then related it to people and current issues with bullying, sexuality and race. The song changed from a piece of pretty music into an inspirational anthem. 

 Fallen Riviera is such a unique name, how did you come up with it? And how exactly did the band itself, form?

Well, we started out in Boston. The two founding members Steve Ornest and Will Parry went to school at Berklee College of Music. Will was born in the town of Torquay in the South West of England. Torquay is the English Riviera, traditionally a tourist destination, a holiday hotspot. Unfortunately, prices went down for a flight to Spain in the 90's. Torquay's popularity took a hit and is even worse now considering the state of England's economy. Obviously to all Torquay natives the town is still a hidden gem, but to some, it's the Fallen Riviera.

 For the people who are reading this, and may not have heard your music, can you sort of give a general description about what you think your sound is?

Our sound is a good honest blend of soaring vocals and guitar melodies, great grooves, and lyrics that hope to draw an emotional response from our listeners. We strive to create organic, timeless music with modern ideas. If the crowd are on their feet and singing along we are happy.

 Who would you guys say is the leader in the band?

Will and I (Steve) are the two founding members. While we are the ones that steer the course of Fallen Riviera, we are very much a cohesive band.  Matt helps make Fallen Riviera the groove machine that we have so badly needed since the two of us began writing!

What are your feelings towards Social Media's growing place in the music industry?

Mixed feelings for sure. The shift of power away from records labels and into the hands of artists is positive. Having your musical destiny in your own hands is rewarding in so many ways. The internet has made self promotion so much easier and accessible than ever before. With that said, it is extremely time consuming, and constantly changing. Being in a successful rock band is a lot more than just writing songs and playing shows. You literally need to become well versed and fully immersed in the social media frenzy.

 Where can we keep up with you?

Facebook, youtube, twitter, and itunes are all great places!

Anything to say to the readers? :)

Thank you all so much for the amazing support so far, and get ready!  

Thank you so much for your time and patience. 

Be sure to buy "Another World" on itunes! You won't regret it!

And find out when they're coming to a city near you by heading to their website:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Getting to know Xander Demos!

At long last, here's the interview I was lucky enough to do with the very talented Xander Demos!
[Lost in the Server series 6/24/12]

 Xander, you've been said to have 'talent bleeding out of your
hands',   how do you handle a reputation like that? I mean it has to be
flattering, but does it add any pressure?

Well, that's a great compliment! Overall, I am a humble guy so while
it is flattering, I don't feel that much pressure from the technical
aspect. I mean, I grew up in the 80's 
 and every guitar player was
competing with the other. Also, my attitude never gravitates "being
the best" or anything based in technique. If anything, I would feel
more pressure to write cool songs above all -
, to reach out to a
lot more audiences.

 When did you first playing, and how did you get into it?
I started playing in 1982 all thanks to MTV shoving all of these
awesome guitarists in front of me. There was a visual aspect that was
now different than just the sonic aspect of music. To me, guitar
playing now LOOKED cool instead of just sounding cool. Tom Scholz's
(Boston) guitar sound really wanted to make want to play in the
beginning though.

)Who are some of your favorite guitarists?
In the beginning: Tom Scholz, Neal Schon, Brad Gillis and Eddie Van
Halen. I later got into Yngwie
 and Steve Vai and all the Shrapnel guys
like Tony MacAlpine, Paul Gilbert, Vinnie Moore
 and Jason Becker. Thru
the 90s, I started to get into Shawn Lane, Allan Holdsworth, John
Petrucci, Eric Johnson
 and Brett Garsed. Nowadays, I am a huge fan of
Guthrie Govan
Michael Romeo.

 Your style is unique, how would you describe your sound? And why do
you think people are gravitating towards it?
Well, I consider myself a technical player but I am really into
melodic songwriting. I think that people may be into the fact that I
don't just shred for the sake of shredding
that I actually can
write a catchy melody. At least, I HOPE they'll gravitate towards my

Your new single 'White Knuckle Driving' has recieved international
air play, how does it make you feel knowing your music's being heard
all over the world?
It feels absolutely incredible and it's overwhelming! It's something I
have always dreamed about
I have to pinch myself on occasion.

 Can you tell us a little bit about the 'Xander Demos' guitar?
Sure - there is a 6-string and a 7-string version being created by
David Thomas McNaught. It's basically an offset double cutaway guitar
with 27 frets. There will be a few different variables of the guitar
meaning that the options can range from exotic woods to standard
finishes. Original equipment will be a FloydUpgrades tremolo,
Tremol-No stabilization systems, an EMG SPC control
Seymour Duncan
pickups. There are other options available that will be posted on

 Where can people go to see updates from you? Do you have a twitter,

 Being from the City of Champions , like myself,are you a Steelers or
Pens fan?
I do like the Steelers - but I am Red Wings hockey fan. For what it's
worth, the Pens are my second-favorite hockey team.

 I personally would love to learn to play the guitar,but it seems
a bit of a daunting task, any words of advice for those of us just
starting out? Or to the  ones hoping to be as successful as
you one day?

Well, the idea is practice what SOUNDS good to you and develop from
there. Also, take advantage of the great tools that are out there like
social media
 and the internet. Definitely invest in some decent
recording gear
 and experiment with that and above all, don't have a
crappy attitude - there's enough of that out there. Make a change in
the way people perceive being a musician
do something

 Anything to say to the readers and your fans?
Keep requesting the tunes and thank you all for the support that you
all have given me. 

Thanks so much for your time
 and patience,Xander. 
Thank you as well!

And the Beat Goes On.....
Twitter: @TheBeatGoesOn1
Youtube: TheBeatGoesOn17