Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Interview with Emily Proper

Hey, everybody! Back with another new artist, Emily Proper. You might've heard her on Youtube,
but if you haven't, stop reading and  Check Out her cover of 'Lucky Ones' by Lana Del Rey!   Are you back? Good. Now you may read..

   Emily, you have a very distinct voice. How would you describe your sound?

-Thank you! I'm not sure to be honest. I am still working to find my sound. I am constantly writing different types of music, but I have always loved Pop/Country as a genre. A lot of my vocal inspiration comes from listening to country when I was younger. Shania Twain, Carrie Underwood and Martina McBride were some artists I would always hear at home.

What would you say are your major influences?
-I have many influences musically. The typical one that most people could easily guess, would be Taylor Swift. She writes exactly how she feels and makes it seem so simple. My other influences lately include John Mayer, Fleetwood Mac, Carrie Underwood, Lana Del Rey, Civil Wars, LadyAntebellum and Lights. The list could go on for miles. The greatest influence for writing though, is life.

 Everybody seems to have a different answer to this question, so I have to ask, what made you decide to start posting your music on Youtube?

-My best friend and I were bored one day a few summers ago and she told me that people sang and put it on YouTube. I thought it was a little strange but seeing other peoples videos, I wanted to start a channel to see what happened. So we started a channel together, which is still up but I mostly do covers on my own channel now. I love how easy it is to share what you love with the world. That is why I love social media. Distance is not much of an issue anymore, and you can reach anyone.

Has there been any downside for you, in terms of 'haters' on any of your videos? And if so, how do you deal with them?
-I have had a few not-so-nice comments, and it is completely true that no matter how many good comments you get, that one bad one will bring you down and make you doubt yourself. I have gotten so many nice comments from people though, and I try and appreciate those and take the bad ones as advice.

Outside of music, what are your plans? What are you interested in?
-I just completed my freshmen year of college for communications and I love it! I hope to do something with media in the futurebut to be honest, I have never pictured myself doing much else outside of music. I love art, in any form really and hope that it stays a huge part of my life. As for now, I plan on finishing school, making more videos and I would love to start recording an EP soon.

 How many instruments do you play?

-Technically, three. Guitar, Ukulele, and my voice is definitely an instrument. I taught myself guitar a little over a year ago and have been slowly working on improving my playing. I recently picked up the ukulele and discovered it is not as difficult as I predicted. Someday, I would really like to learn piano since every time I have attempted to teach myself, I fail miserably. I would also love to learn to play the banjo.

What would your 'utopia' be? If you could have everything in your life be perfect, what would  those things be that make it perfect?
-I would probably want to be on a beach somewhere with a lot of dogs and have my own recording studio. I would be surrounded by the people I love and create art for anyone that wants to hear it. Oh, and I would have an Alpaca. Duh.

What's your favorite song you've ever written, and what song did you have the most fun covering?

 -My favorite song I have ever written? Oh my. Well I love Crystal Ball and one I wrote recently called Purple Lightning. I also love Look Down On Me because it was written about my grandfather the day I moved into my dorm at school. I can't really pick just one! As for covers, I love Landslide and play it all of the time. I love what I did with Forever and Always, too.

What do you think about ' the digital age' ? Facebook, YouTube, Myspace, ect.. Are you a fan?

 - I am a fan of social media for music and trying to get your work out there. It definitely eliminates distance and makes sharing
   and communicating much easier. Social Networks are a huge part of our lives now, and people my age don't really remember when it didn't exist. I am definitely a fan. I just wish  cyber bullying weren't an issue.

Anything to say to everyone reading, and your supporters?

Well, to anyone reading this, thank you for caring. If you have not gone to my  channel, please do and I would love to know what you think! I am always trying to reach people and write relatable songs and it means the world to me when someone says they can relate to something that I worked so hard to create. I will definitely be posting more material this summer and I hope you enjoy it :)


Thank you Emily and thank you all for reading, much more coming up soon!

-And The Beat Goes On...



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