Sunday, June 24, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Adam Courtney!

Hey Guys!

Another interview, on another great artist!
After hearing some beautiful melodies, and seeing some soulful performances on Youtube,

I decided to interview the pianoman himself, Adam Courtney! 

In this interview we cover everything from the first song he learned, to getting a reply from his idol.  Let's get started..

 How are you  today Adam?

I'm really great how are you though?

I'm great, thank you. How old were you when you started playing piano?

I was about 4 years old,  I remember visiting my Nan's house everyday after school and she'd be playing the piano. I always watched her thinking 'I would love to be able to play like that someday'. Whenever she would go into the next room to make dinner I would sneak up to the piano and try to play haha  Loved that! That was when I caught the bug. I wanted to play. I never stopped, I loved teaching myself, loved that challenge. I used to listen to songs on the t.v .or video games and try my best to play the songs back from memory  I still use only my ears to learn and play today. 

Do you remember the first song you learned?

Hmm the first song I ever learned.. Actually yes! I remember my brother and sister were watching a film called 'The exorcist'.. It was to scary for me to watch at that time. Instead I decided to sit outside the room and listen to the music in it. It was a pretty fast piano piece.. Challenging but got my little head around it. 

How long do you practice everyday? And do you view it as a chore, or do you enjoy it?

Well to be honest I never really sit down and sit down to practice. With me , music is enjoyable, it's just an everyday thing that I need. I don't like to stress things too much with music, I just let it be. 

In your own words, what does your music mean to you?

What music means to me.. I find it really hard to put into words what music means to me whenever I'm asked. Music is something I was born with. My mom and dad played in a band all their lives. My Nan played piano my aunts played and still play piano. I was born into music. It means everything to me. Its the single most important thing in my life along with my family and friends. Anytime I'm feeling down or just not myself , I'll sit down on the piano and just let everything out. There's not a second that goes by without me thinking of the next step in my music career I'm always thinking of new things. I believe that everyone is born to be somebody and if you have a talent that you should embrace it. I try so hard every day to get to the next level and to be noticed. I'm always so positive. My mom raised us to be that way. Everyday we would get up to a new motivation quote from her like 'You can do anything' or something like that haha Turned out to be the truest worlds I've ever heard. I had a little something I wrote for a blog but I think it should be here, : The light might dim sometimes but never lose hope. I've felt like that too. A time when you think nothing will get better , nothing will work , no one will notice.. But no you're about one hundred percent wrong.  
Guide yourself.. Treat yourself and your mind like a robot and everyday work hard to reach that goal of yours.. Perseverance will bring success! 
I'll give you an example of this of my own personal account.. 

I remember it was about early January in 2010 and I'd tell me friends that id get 'Bear Grylls' to notice me and my music on twitter.. No one believed me.. I was doubted everyday.. In fact my friends would just laugh. 
But I knew I could do it.. My mom beat the enthusiasm into us as young children so I know Anythings possible :) I would secretly tweet bear everyday at mid day tweeting my music and telling him I was a huge fan.. Months passed.. Even a year went by. But I never gave up hope. I still knew. I continued being positive. I remember I was sitting down having a cup of tea in my pj's sitting on the couch opposite my cousin Aaron and my friend Ian.. And I decided to tweet bear just as an automatic action at this stage. I put away my phone and we carried on talking probably about fishing or going to the gym haha. 
Then my phone vibrated ,me thinking it was just a text message, not even caring one bit. I took a glimpse at the phone and the writing read 'Bear Grylls has replied to one of your tweet'. My face dropped , my hands dropped , my heart dropped and most importantly I dropped ,on the ground actually, ha. My heart started racing uncontrollably beating against my chest like a thump. I looked towards my cousin and friend with a big grin on my face , still shocked and screamed at the top of my voice 'BEAR GRYLLS REPLIED!!!!!!' 
They didn't believe it at first but quickly released I couldn't of been joking because the fact that I was running around the house almost doing simultaneous front flips. 
My mom and dad and entire family couldn't believe it. 

But I could believe it .. I knew I could do it. I always believed in myself. I always DO believe in myself. 
             I'd love to fly to Africa in the morning and help them starving children in need.. I'd love that! Or to fly to where children don't have the money to experience music the way I did. 
And I want to show you that you can achieve your wildest dreams ! 
I want every child my age and as young as I was to discover music. Discover it in their own way. Show them that anything in the world is possible. Teach them how to teach themselves the gift of playing by ear. 
I believe everyone is born with a purpose. My purpose is to share my music and my story with the world and show everyone that dreams do come true. You can be and do anything once you put your mind to it. 
Don't give up on me. I never gave up and I never will.. Ever ever ever. 

               Life is about getting the most out of what you have. I work so hard everyday to get where I want to go. Its the only way I can stay positive. But I know god is with me on this. I'll always stay humble and true to myself no matter what. I'll never get cocky. Never take advantage of the money. Ill always share. Help to make a change and show people in need that they can pick themselves up. They can be bright stars! 
You can be a success. 

Adam, you're clearly a fan favorite, but who are your favorite musicians? 

Aw thank you! My favorite musicians.. I'm a huge fan and admirer of Michael Jackson he's one of my biggest idols. Jimmy McCarthy- an Irish song writer. Bob Marley , Phil Lynott , The Beatles are a bunch of amazingly talented musicians.

Besides piano, do you play any other instruments?

Other instruments? Of course! Actually piano was the second instrument I learned to play. I started with the drums. I absolutely loved them! I used to bring them everywhere with me.
After the piano I took up playing the guitar and sometimes sang while playing, I love playing all three of those to this day. I'm always up for learning new instruments! 

 How do you feel about social media, in regards to music?

Social media and music is awesome! Without it I wouldn't be doing this interview right now. I owe a lot to it. It gives a lot of musicians hope that their music will be heard. Twitter has helped me hugely! My music was noticed by some of the biggest people in the world and my idols.

Piano players get a rep for being serious, but you clearly have a goofy side, care to explain how the Bear Grylls came about?

Serious just isn't my thing , I just love to be myself and say what I'm thinking, Bear Grylls was always a huge idol of mine.. So one day I decided to do a video doing an impression of him haha.  Turned out lots of people thought it was hilarious, I'm serious when I need to be but mostly I'm a laid back giddy guy.

Now here's a little free for all question, tell us one thing that no one knows about you?

 Hmmm.. something that no one knows... This is pretty embarrassing but I have had an operatic voice since I can remember. All of my family thinks I should do something about it but it embarrasses me haha. It's funny.

Anything to say to all the readers, and your supporters?

To the readers , supporters , my fans 

My fans are the best.. It's so weird actually having fans. I never thought a guy like me living in this tiny town could be the crush of a girl on the other side of the world.. I'm so grateful though. I absolutely love them.. I make sure all of them feel loved and I genuinely care about each and every one of them. I owe them a lot.. Such genuine people and I want to keep it that way :) 
There a constant reminder of how lucky I am.. And a reminder of my responsibility to keep going and setting a good example!THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH  

I Love you.

Thank you Adam! And thank you all for reading!

To hear more of Adam's music,  subscribe to his channel!

Follow him on twitter:


-And The Beat Goes On...

Stay tuned for more, and some major announcements! 

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