Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Introducing Kirkhouse!

Hey guys! Got another new artist! This time it's up and coming United Kingdom native, singer songer Kirkhouse! (Or Kirkhousemusic1 as  he's known on youtube)

After hearing one of the 19 year old's acoustic originals, I was hooked, and made it my mission to help get this guys name out there, even before 'The Beat Goes On' started. And as of today, mission accomplished.

So let's get started...

How ya doing Kirkhouse?

-I'm doing very well, thank you.

How long have you been playing guitar?

-I have been playing on and off for about six years now, but I've been playing non - stop for two years. I don't really know why I would only sometimes play my guitar, even though I loved to play it. Now, I'm hardly ever off the thing!

Outside of music, are there other passions, or interests you're pursuing?

-I don't have any other passions really. I can't see myself doing anything else, which, in a way, is good because then I only focus on the music.

A lot of people get into music for the 'fame' or because they think it'll make them look cool, what does music mean to you?

-Music means everything to me. It's a way of expressing myself in a way I feel comfortable with. It's helped me get through dark parts of my life. I find music fascinating as well. Like, how some people can make you feel happy or sad, just by playing four chords. It's also the only thing that I'm good at doing, so in a way, it's all that I've got.

If there was one thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?

-Confidence, definitely confidence. Because then i can actually put up YouTube videos of me singing.

Can you describe yourself in three words or less?

-Determined and passionate.

What was the best advice you've ever been given?

-"We only live once, so make the most of what we have" I think my uncle told me that one.

What would your state of contentment be? What do you hope to get out of this?

-I hope that I could make a career in music, and to live comfortably off it too. And hopefully spread my music across the world as well. I couldn't think of anything better.

Anything to say to the readers and the people that watch your videos?

-I would just wanna say thank you so much for sparing some time to watch the videos, and reading this interview. And thank you Alyssa for doing this as well.

You're very welcome, and thank you all for reading!

Be sure to subscribe to Kirkhouse's channel! :

Follow him on twitter, he responds to everyone! : 

'LIKE' him on facebook! 

Stay tuned for more!

-And The Beat Goes On....





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