Monday, June 18, 2012

Introducing Oliver Moore!

Hey Guys, back with another new up and coming artist! 


So I was on Youtube looking at covers, like I often do, and I came across this cover:

 And I said to myself 'Why don't I know who he is?' So I made it a point to find out, and now I'm giving all of you, the opportunity to do the same, and find out a little about the Dublin native. So, Ladies and gentlemen may I introduce to you, Mr. Oliver Moore.

 How are you doing today?  

-I'm fine thank you very much, how about you? 

I'm great, thank you,
so Oliver, when I was listening to your cover of 'Fireflies' I  genuinely thought that you were playing to some kind of vocal backing track, have you ever taken any voice lessons?

-Well thank you very much haha, that is a nice compliment :) But no, I've never had any singing lessons whatsoever!

How long have you been playing piano? 

- I've been playing piano since I turned 13 (I'm 16 now) but I only started piano lessons 2 years ago. My first year of piano was me teaching myself how to play from YouTube tutorials. [Ironically]

In your own words, what role does music play in your life?

Without music, I wouldn't be as confident as I am. It never fails to make me feel better when I'm feeling down, and it's also a great way to make new friends.

What made you decide to start putting videos up on Youtube? 

My friends. I once played for some of them at one of my birthday parties and they said that I should start covering songs.

If you had to listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

 It would be 'All the Stars and Boulevards' by Augustana. They are my favourite band ever. 

If you had the opprotunity to collaborate with a group of Youtubers who would you pick?

 If I could choose, I'd have to pick Justin Robinette + Michael Henry. They're two friends who cover songs while playing the same piano at once. They're brilliant!

How do you think the Internet is changing the game when it comes to music?

- I think it has made becoming famous for your musical talent a lot easier for people. I've seen a lot of great people on YouTube who aren't very famous, and some people who are absolutely dreadful get famous just based on their looks. I don't think it's fair really.

Anything to say to everyone reading this, who are sure to be your future fans?

I'd like to say hello to you all and thank you for reading this! I hope to cover more songs for you and maybe get noticed a bit more.

You heard the man, thank you all for reading and be sure to subscribe to Oliver for more music!

Follow him on twitter:!/Ollie_Moore 

 Thanks again Oliver! 

And be sure to stay tuned, subscribe here and  on Youtube for upcoming announcements, artists, and interviews!

- And The Beat Goes On...

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