Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, Colt Chambers!

Hey Guys! Back with another artist. Now normally I'm all about indie/ unknown artists, but I decided to break my own rule with this interview guys. But I guess I'm really only bending them, cause he is independent, since he pretty much did it all himself, and he's only 16!  And he'll tell you how.  So without further ado, Colt Chambers.

  So Colt, How old were you when you started singing?

- I was five years old when I started singing. Of course, like every other musician, I started performing in church in the choir which then lead to singing solo and then to performing publicly at local fairs and festivals.

 Why Country Music? Was it something you grew up with?

 - Country Music is what I have lived my whole life. From growing up listening to Shania Twain, Reba McEntire,  and Alan Jackson it really stuck with me. Country Music is really apart of everyone and every day life. It's very relatable.  

 Who are some of your favorite artists?

-Favorites, hmm. That's really hard. Definitely Luke Bryan, Dolly Parton, Brad Paisley, Rodney Atkins, and Zac Brown.

 You've won numerous awards,  are the President of International Music & Entertainment Association,  and you're only sixteen, what would you say is the secret to your success?

- Whew! Well one secret to my success (which really isn't a secret) is hard work, drive, and a passion for music and everything I do and facing my fears and having the courage to step out and take chances and never giving up. I have been blessed with all of my success, especially at 16. I have to admit, it is a lot of work, and especially time, balancing all of the things that I do and have my hands in while keeping up with everyones expectations.

 Now that you're practically a veteran at performing, can you tell us what your first experience on stage was like?

- On my first big solo show at a big festival in my hometown in Georgia, I was really nervous at first. Shortly after performing the first minute or so - I realized that performing is what I was meant to do and I felt like that's where I needed to be. For several shows after, I still had "butterflies" in my stomach before the shows, but once you get on stage and your nerves calm down it is so relaxing. Now - Whenever I get on stage I am a totally different person, I could literally live on a stage.

 For those of us that don't know, what exactly is the International Music and Entertainment Association?

- The International Music and Entertainment Association (IMEA) is a non-profit organization that promotes and develops musicians across the world in all genres through showcases, seminars, workshops, contests and an annual awards show. The IMEA works with new artists as well as established of all ages, young and old. Our goal is to bring musicians/artists/bands all together for the love of music. I have been honored to lead such organizations. We've got a lot of big and exciting things coming in the near future.

 Since your life is different from a lot of 'normal' teenagers, can you point to a moment and say 'That's when it all changed.'

- Yeah, My life is far from normal, haha. Really, it was a gradual change starting from age 14. I moved to Nashville in 2009 [at age 14] when I was accepted into the Nashville School of the Arts for vocal expression and musical theater. That was a big change for me, a small town boy, but I immediately fell in love with the city. In mid-2010 I had to move back to the Metro Atlanta, Georgia Area when my grandmother got sick and later passed away. While I was in Nashville was when things really sparked for my career, but moving back to Georgia my career has grown and expanded even further. So, I'd probably say that it all "changed" when I moved to Nashville in 2009. Now, I'm CEO/President of IMEA (like mentioned), The Vice President of Front Row Records, Owner/Founder of Country Music Media, and ATL Unplugged Magazine.

 Do you have any advice for other musicians out there?

NEVER GIVE UP! Quitting is absolutely the easiest way out, but follow your dreams. Don't worry about a fall back plan, be focus 100% on your goal - because if you divide your time up thinking about falling, that's what will happen, you will fall. If God didn't have a plan for your dream, then he would never have planted it in your mind. Again, Follow Your Dreams and Never Give Up.

Anything to say to the readers Colt?

- Thanks so much for your continued support through everything, It is very appreciated. If anyone needs any advice or support you can always count on me. I'm in the process of launching a new online "success" blog, where I will post frequently about life, business and health tips. Stay tuned for that.

Thanks again Colt!
Be sure to tell Colt happy birthday, by posting on his facebook and sending him tweets @ColtChambers he'll be 17 on June 25th!

To see more of Colt in action be sure to subscribe to his youtube channel  and  check out  his websites ,

For those of you interested in IMEA  It's  $50 membership - and people can register/join at Questions or concerns? Email Colt at

And *ATTENTION ALL ROCKSTARS* Front Row Records is currently looking for talent  - potential artists can send their submissions

And don't worry, all of us promoters aren't left out either, he's also started up the Colt Chambers Media Group - A company  which will host subsidiary music/entertainment promotions websites/companies.

You can send him things directly at PO Box 352
Cave Spring, GA 30124

Thank you all for reading! Stay tuned, big and exciting stuff on the way!

-And The Beat Goes On......

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