Friday, June 8, 2012

My interview with The OverUnder!

I recently got the pleasure of interviewing Jimmy Conner,lead singer of the successful, band 'The OverUnder'.

With a loyal following of twenty thousand subscribers on youtube, the band proves to be an internet sensation! But where did it all start, and what are his views on social media? We got in to all that and more in our Q/A.

Jimmy, You've made quite some headway on youtube, A little over half a million views, not to mention your songs on iTunes, and Amazon. Clearly music is a major part of your life, but was it always? Or was it something you happened upon and realized you were good at it?

-Its always been a big part of my life, even when I wasn't pursuing it, I was always a huge fan. I used to write songs a lot growing up, all kinds of music...everything from Pop, Rock, Acoustic, Hip Hop etc.. I tried a bit of everything over the years, I think as time went on I started to recognize it more as a talent, which is when it became more serious for me.

Do you write all your own music? And if so, where do you draw your inspiration from?

-Yes, I write and compose everything. Most of the songs are based off personal experiences, I like to vent through my songs.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring?

- My iPhone, although I doubt I'd get any reception. An acoustic Guitar, and a raft, incase I needed to leave.
What would you be if you weren't a musician?

- I'd probably work at a retail store or something.

What would you do today if it were your last day?

- Go skydiving.

Would you say if your worst quality?

- I'm not very patient.

What do you do in your free time?
- I sleep, run, play music, go to the beach, play fantasy football, and party hard.

When can we expect more music? Possibly a full length album?

-I don't foresee a full length album anytime soon, at this point. I'm probably just gonna put out singles and music videos on YouTube...but who knows?

What was the last song you downloaded?

-"What Sarah Said" by Death Cab For Cutie.

Enough about you. What do you think of Elvis?

-I'm not a huge Elvis fan, obviously I respect who he is and all that he did for music but I don't think I could name 5 Elvis songs off the top of my head haha.
Social Media: Are you for it or against it, and how has it affected your life?

-For it ,one hundred percent. If it weren't for Social Media sites like YouTube and MySpace no one would have ever heard of The OverUnder. They give artists an opportunity to release their own music and gain exposure without having a big record label behind them. If you can figure out a way to make the most out of them, you have a huge advantage.

Final thoughts, any words of advice or perspective for other Youtube musicians?

Not specifically for YouTube artists, but more just musicians in general. I'd say first and foremost that it's a process, and most likely is not gonna happen overnight. You have to put in time to develop your craft. Also, learn how to take criticism because not everyone is gonna love you or your band. Use social media as much as possible, it's the most effective way to market your project these days. last but not least, play music that you love.

Thanks so much for your time Jimmy!
Be sure to have a listen at
and if you like, buy it:
Hope you all enjoyed this interview, stay tuned for more!
-And The Beat Goes On....

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