Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Introducing Ian Thomson

Hey guys, back with another artist. This time it's youtube singer, songwriter, Ian Thomson!

The sixteen year old musician and I talked about everything from what influences his music, to what he wanted to be when he grew up.

So let's get started...

What is your personal relationship to music?

 -I have a great relationship with music! I think music is a beautiful thing. Through music people can express themselves and show their true colors.

What are your goals as far as a music career?

I just want people worldwide to enjoy my music as much as I enjoy playing it.

You have a really creative lyrical style, who are your influences?

-I write a lot of love songs haha, so my main influences in writing are Christofer Drew of Never Shout Never and John Mayer.

Why Youtube? What made you start uploading videos?

-I have always loved the music side of YouTube! I just love how people from all over can come and listen to my music! I actually have had my YouTube account since about 2010 and my friend and I would upload videos of us chasing each other around with nerf guns. It wasn't until about a little less then a year ago when I decided to put my music on there. I was into Bob Dylan a lot at the time and Chris [Drew] was covering a bunch of his songs so I decided to give it a go and cover "Blowing in the wind" everyone really enjoyed so I just continued with videos from there.

In five years time, what do you hope to accomplish? What are your goals, both in and out of music?

-In five years I want to have a full length album out, have a national tour and maybe a hit or two on Itunes. I would really like to just travel around the world for a couple months too. Other then that I'm just going with the flow.

Do you do anything else in the music field?

 -Well I started off playing piano when I was younger but I moved away from that and onto guitar when I reached middle school. I would love to start playing piano again! Its such a beautiful instrument.

Was it always music for you? Or have you pursued other things?

 -I wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger but I've kinda moved away from that. Up until high school I wasn't really sure about what I wanted to do, but I've come to realize that music is what I want to do. It's kinda "cliche" to say this but life is too short to be doing something you don't enjoy. That's why I have chosen music because I love doing it.

Anything to say to the readers?

-Anyone reading and supporting thank you so much! Keep spreading the word and just enjoy the music!

Thank you so much Ian!

To check out more of Ian's music, subscribe to his youtube channel. www.youtube.com/user/Madspizzle 

And follow him on twitter www.twitter.com/Theianthomson  :)!

Stay tuned for a lot more interviews and up dates!

-And The Beat Goes On....

Email: thebeatgoeson17@gmail.com 

Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheBeatGoesOn1
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheBeatGoesOn1
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/TheBeatGoesOn17

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